Brewing Glossary
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To extract by boiling. This continental mashing technique takes the mash through a series of controlled temperature stages by removing a portion of the mash, bringing this mixture to a boil and returning it back to main portion of the mash. Each successive step or decoction is used to raise the temperature of the main mash. This type of mash typically employs two or three decoction steps that correspond to temperature rests employed by other mashing methods. Decoction mashing typically achieves an extremely high rate of extraction and increased amount of malt character. Decoction mashing is a historical method of achieving starch conversion before the existence of the thermometer.
The measurement of the weight of a solution, as compared with the weight of an equal volume of pure water.
dextrin, dextrine
Unfermentable carbohydrates that contribute to full body in beer.
Also called glucose or corn sugar. A simple sugar, easily fermented by yeast.
diacetyl flavor
Described as buttery or butterscotch. Sometimes caused by abbreviated fermentation, mutated yeast or bacteria. Also known as buttery flavor.
The term used to refer to all enzymes in barley and malt involved in the conversion of starch to sugar during mashing.
diastatic power
An analytical measurement in °Lintner of the starch conversion enzymes present in malt or other grains. Also known as diastatic activity.
diatomaceous earth (DE)
Microfine single-cell fossil material made of almost pure silica, used in the filtering of beer.
Aromatic, volatile, compound perceivable in minute concentration, from yeast or pediococcus metabolism. Most significantly the butter flavor of diacetyl.
DMS flavor
Dimethyl sulfide. A sweet corn-like aroma. Can be attributed to malt, short, covered or non-vigorous boiling of the wort, slow wort chilling, or in extreme cases, bacterial contamination.
Sugars formed by the combination of two simple sugar units (monosaccharides). Maltose is an example.
domestic commercial
A beer produced by megabrewery that is like making love in a canoe. (f***ing too close to water!)
double mashing
A procedure in which two separate mashes are mashed-in simultaneously. The first is all malt and is comprised of about 90 percent of the recipe's total malt and is raised to 122° F (50° C). The second mash consists of the remainder of the recipe's malt and all of the adjuncts. This mash is brought up to 158° F (70° C) and held for about 15 minutes to allow alpha amylase action to occur. The adjunct mash is then boiled for about 20 minutes and added to the main mash so the resulting temperature is 158° F (70° C). Double mashing ensures the adjunct starch is completely converted.
The gradual addition of water to crushed malt to create a uniformly moistened grain and water solution. Doughing-in is used to prevent the formation of dry spots in the mash.
The solid material, spent grains remaining in the lauter tun after sparging.
draft, draught
Beer from a cask or a keg, as opposed to bottled beer. Draft beer stored (usually under pressure) in metal kegs is often non-pasteurized and minimally or not filtered.
A method of adding hops directly to the secondary, to increase hop aroma without adding bitterness.
German word for "dark," as in dark beer. Usually refers to Munich dark style.

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